What is the Waking Up All About?

It is about Waking Up to who we truly are.

When we awaken from our slumber everything changes for the better. Your level of consciousness moves to a higher level and you learn to live peacefully, joyfully and abundantly.

I know this because for much of my own life I was asleep. I now know I am on planet earth to help my fellow humans awaken to their higher levels of consciousness so they can live the life of their dreams.

The Awakened Human is all about serving you. My complete focus is on helping you get clarity on what you truly want and then helping you identify the path that will get you there. I will do this through my coaching and teaching.  

There is an enormous amount of suffering today in the corporate world. 60% of employees are emotionally disengaged and 19% are miserable. I have been a corporate employee for over 25 years and have experienced the highs and lows of living that existence. I know how to help those who are emotionally disengaged and unhappy. The suffering is not necessary, even if you not terribly happy with your career path.

There are an enormous amount of benefits to becoming happy & engaged in your work life. First and foremost your health and well-being will take a huge leap up.  Secondly, a happy, enthusiastic and engaged employee sets themselves up for promotions and bonuses.  Learn how to become that person. Contact me now for a Coaching Discovery session and let’s see how we can help elevate your life to the highest level.